Up or Down? Considering Which Floor to Live On

photo of a smiling person
Written by Kailyn Bell
Edited by Michaela Fortunato
For Residents May 17, 2023

Choosing the right floor in an apartment or house is a significant decision that can have a considerable impact on daily life. Each floor comes with unique advantages and disadvantages that you should take into consideration. To help you choose, here are six factors to consider:



Accessibility is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting a place to live. For individuals with mobility challenges, residing on an upper floor without an elevator can be a challenge. In such cases, opting for the first floor or a building with an elevator is the best option. It's also essential to consider the distance between the building's entrance and your apartment, especially if you anticipate frequently carrying heavy items such as luggage or groceries.



Noise Level

The floor you choose can significantly affect the noise level in your apartment. Lower floors tend to be noisier because of their proximity to the street, which can result in traffic or pedestrian noise. Additionally, noise from the building's lobby or common areas can cause disturbance. Higher floors offer more peace and quiet, but wind or occasional storm noise may be more noticeable.





Living on the lower floors brings you closer to the street, leaving you vulnerable to prying eyes. It also increases the chances of people gaining access to your windows or balcony, limiting your privacy. On the other hand, higher floors tend to provide better privacy, as they obstruct the view from neighbors and pedestrians walking by. If privacy is a priority for you, choosing a higher floor would be ideal.



Safety is a crucial factor when choosing what floor to live on. Selecting a first floor unit might leave you vulnerable to intruders that may try to break in through windows or doors. Higher floors offer more protection from burglars or break-ins, but they can also make it difficult to escape during an emergency like a fire. It’s essential to have a well-thought-out evacuation plan in place to ensure your safety in case of such situations.





Another key consideration when choosing a floor to reside on is the cost. Apartments located on higher floors tend to be pricier due to the desirable features they offer, such as better views and enhanced privacy. In contrast, apartments on the lower floors might be less expensive but come with a compromise on factors like privacy, noise, and accessibility.





Higher floors often offer better views of city skylines or surrounding landscape the lower floors may present a more limited view, mainly encompassing the street or the building's entrance. If you thrive on the vibrant energy of urban living and relish being amidst the bustling cityscape, you might prefer a higher floor with a view of the busy streets below. If you prefer a more peaceful environment, a lower floor with a garden or park view might be more appealing.


Choosing what floor to live on is a decision that should be carefully considered. Each floor offers its advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential to find a balance between the different factors to make an informed decision. 

Whether you desire breathtaking panoramic views from higher floors or a closer connection to your surroundings on the lower floors, we are here to help you find the perfect Greystar apartment that ticks all your boxes.


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